A few days ago Refinery 29 did a post on their favorite blogs. I knew about/followed many of their picks, but a few were new to me. Probably my favorite blog I discovered from that post was Luxirare, which is a blog and a brand. The girl who writes the blog and designs the clothes has pretty much become my hero. Her creativity and aesthetic are very inspiring. Today I saw this post, and it made me want to reinvest in 90s minimalism immediately.
PPS: Since I won't be around on Friday to remind those of you who live in LA, I'm reminding you now. Don't miss Current Affair the vintage pop up shop is this weekend! It is awesome. Definitely try to make it out. I'm going to go on Saturday night as a treat to myself for finishing this paper. I think I'm looking for a statement pendant or a ladylike handbag, but we'll see what's there.