Thursday, January 22, 2009

Power Hour

Tonight was the last Power Hour (2 drinks + a delicious cheese platter + admission to all the exhibits) at the Corcoran before the Richard Avedon exhibit, Portraits of Power, moves on and the Corcoran closes for renovations. The Avedon exhibit was nothing short of mesmerizing. I found it captivating the way some portraits seems to tell whole stories about the sitter's life and the way other sitters in their portraits seem to be on the verge of confessing deep, dark, life-changing secrets. The exhibit was almost exhuastingly enormous, and when we finally got to the end, I thought I was ready to go home. That is until I discovered that there was an interactive aspect to the exhibit, a black and white camera set up to take Avedon-esque photos and display them on a giant screen in the lobby for visitors to enjoy the amateur photographer in all of us. Erin and I were totally bored with this interactive feature as you can see:

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Where the HELL was the pudding picture??!!!