Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Last Bookstore Fundraiser

 Image by Kim Garcia via lastbookstorela.com.

I am a book hoarder. I love buying new books. I buy new ones all the time even though I know that I probably won't have a chance to read them for years. When the bf and I go to Costco, he comes home with ribs and beer. I come home with the Hunger Games, a new Harry Hole novel, and The Maltese Falcon. And once I have the book, I never want to give it away even if I'll likely never read it again. I think of them kind of like trophies to the different ideas I have explored through reading. You want to chat about studious, Hasidic Jewish boys? Sure. I read The Chosen. You have strong feelings on the senselessness of war? Great. I can make Catch 22 and Slaughterhouse Five references. Well you get the point. I just love books.

Predictably, I also love bookstores. That's why I contributed to The Last Bookstore's campaign to raise the money to fund construction so they can expand. I love that in 2012 there are still independent bookstores that are expanding. Anyways this isn't a sponsored post or anything (like I have sponsors! hahaha!), and I have no real connection to the bookstore. I just think its a great thing to support. So here's the link to their campaign, just in case you decide you want to give a few dollars.

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