Saturday, May 21, 2011

Pine St. Philadelphia

Yesterday I went to go see my apartment for the summer, get the keys, and wander around the neighborhood. Do you want the good or the bad first? Well the bad is that the apartment is old and pretty bare bones. So don't expect any swanky apartment photo shoots. I'll just be sleeping and blogging here. But the good is that the neighborhood is amazing! So get excited for lots of outside photo shoots and exploration of local businesses. I'll be spending most of my time in Philly on the streets seeing what's around every bend!

PS: Bare with me for a few weeks. My macbook died on the plane ride over here, so I'm using an old PC my bf gave me. It doesn't have photo editing and the screen resolution isn't the best, but I hopefully can get a few pictures up here and there until I buy a new laptop.

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